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Understand the Radar
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On the Radar
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User Guide.
Understand the Radar
Patents in the data set are text mined and given vectors according to their semantic similarities with other patents in the data set, and then precisely positioned on the radar based on their differences. Each dot represents one patent, and the closer they are on the radar, the more similar the patents are. The XY axes have no particular meaning: distance is the focus of the data landscape.
Get Started!
Patent OfficeJapan = JPO
United States = USPTO
Europe = EPO
Multiple = JPO Granted and Application, or USPTO and EPO Granted and Application plus WIPO Application
Select StatusApplication or Granted. For WIPO, only Application is available
Create an Analysis
Name: enter the name you would like to give the analysis. If left blank, an analysis number will be automatically assigned.
Search type: select Text (concept search) or Patent Number.
Search query: enter up to 520K characters in the query box for a concept search, or enter patent numbers for the basis of the analysis. For best accuracy with text searches, the more words the better. If less than 5 are entered, any document containing any of the words can be included in the results (creating noise). Note that the tool extracts and utilizes nouns, verbs, and adjectives for the analysis.
Search target (Multiple package only): select the data source/s for the analysis.
For WIPO and EPO patent searches, you must include the type of document in the number, e.g. WO1991011363A1If patent numbers are entered in the query box, the text in the patent(s) will be mined and similar documents will be included in the results. To analyze a list of specific patents only, use the Patent Similarity Evaluation (see below)
Advanced Options:
Part of Document to Search:
o Full Text searches the entire document.
o Abstract and Claims searches just that part of the document.
o Full Text with emphasis on Abstract and Claims searches the entire document and puts extra weight (priority) on the Abstract and Claims.Number of patents: enter the maximum number of documents you'd like to include in the search, up to 1K.
Filter by Bibliographic Data:
NOTE: Using quotation marks when filtering helps reduce noise in the data set, e.g. "fuel cell" or "Apple, Inc". You can also use search operators AND, OR, (-) negation, ( ), and "string literal"
Title: use to search by words in a patent title.
Applicant: applicant/assignee refers to the company or organization name, e.g. Hitachi or Harvard University.
Inventor: full names must be input with last name, then a comma, then first name. e.g. EDISON, Thomas
IPC: single IPCs must be entered as, e.g., B64C. If adding IPC classification group/subgroup, it must be in quotation marks with spacing between the code and number. Use two spaces if the group/subgroup has 4 digits, e.g., “B64C␣␣15/12”, and three spaces if the group/subgroup has 3 numbers, e.g. "B64C␣␣␣9/00". If doing multiple, follow the same spacing rules with AND or OR in between, e.g., “B64C 15/12” AND “B64C 9/00”.
Use only primary IPC: extracts only patents with the entered IPC if it is the primary (main) IPC.
Time range: enter the year range for the search.
Patent similarity evaluation (List upload): create a radar that emphasizes the similarities among the patents by calculating an overall center of gravity, and then positions them according to their distance from that point. Upload a .xlsx, .csv, .tsv, or .txt file of the patent numbers you'd like to analyze.
Patent similarity evaluation (List upload) must contain patent numbers corresponding to the status (Application or Granted) and issuing authority (e.g. USPTO-A, EPO-G, etc.) of the selected database. Download a sample (US-R)Delete and change package: to stop this process and return to the home page, click [X] next to the current package. All data entered for this search will be erased.
Create Analysis: click to start the analysis.
Your Analysis is in Progress: view the status of your analysis here. It can take up to a few minutes. You can leave this page without affecting the progress. You can check the status under My Analyses.
After running an analysis, it will be listed under My Analyses on the Create/Analyses page and All Analyses from the More dropdown. You can hide, download, share, and delete analyses on this list.On the Radar
1. Search form: use to adjust or update the focus of the radar
2. Share analysis: to enable, click Share, and then send a link of the analysis URL to others who have their own account
3. Similarity Evaluation: click to create an analysis based on a patent similarity evaluation
4. Areas: click to activate the Create Areas function
5. Areas: click to toggle Select Areas
6. Zoom
7. Cluster size control
8. Full screen
Find on Radar
Analysis Information: view the metadata and statistical information of the analysis.
Quick Highlight: highlight or isolate patents based on keywords, assignees, or inventors.
OR displays the clusters that contain the selected items.
AND displays the patents that contain ALL of the selected items.
FILTER displays ONLY the selected items.
Single click on the circle next to the selected items to change the highlight color.
Words: click >> to add the word to the concept search, (+) to add this as an AND word, (-) to remove (deny) the word on the Search Form, and click Create Analysis to run again based on the new parameters.
Areas: select and analyze areas on the radar.
Once an area is created, hover over the area and click Manage area to edit area information, or change the shape, angle, position of area, or delete area.
Snapshot Mode: hide all icons and metadata on the radar. Use your OS screenshot function to capture the radar.
Layers: control the visible layers on the radar.
Radar Settings: control the settings of the radar.
RADAR SCALE adjusts the degree of zoom.
CLUSTER SIZE adjusts the size of the clusters.
BACKGROUND COLOR adjusts the background of the radar.
MAIN CLUSTER COLOR adjusts the default cluster color.
SHOW CLUSTER BORDER adds a thin border around all clusters.
CLUSTER POP-UP gives the option for hover-over or right-click pop-ups of cluster content on the radar.
CLEAR ALL will remove selections on Quick Highlight, and custom zoom and cluster size will return to defaults. Areas will not be removed.
Adaptive List: view the patent list below the radar, which adjusts based on Quick Highlight selections. Click [+] to add the patent to the Search Form. Click the pin to pinpoint the patent on the radar. Click [v] to view details about the patent
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