Nikkei TechFind Released a VALUENEX-powered Data Analytics Service


Nikkei TechFind Released a VALUENEX-powered Data Analytics Service

OCTOBER 11, 2019

VALUENEX formally announces that Nikkei BP’s online service, Nikkei TechFind, which now uses VALUENEX’s data analysis service ‘Scope’ was officially released online on October 9.

Nikkei TechFind is an online service that supports technical strategy by collecting information from press releases, patents, and R&D, as well as large amounts of technical content from Nikkei BP, a publishing subsidiary of Nikkei.

VALUENEX's information analysis tool Scope analyzes patent information using its original algorithm and visualizes based on lexical similarities, enabling users to analyze patent data quickly and easily. Many Japanese companies, including Nikkei BP, have adopted Scope as a tool for efficiently confirming highly relevant patent information and overseeing patent activity.