VALUENEX Japan, Inc. and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Announce a Business Partnership


VALUENEX Japan, Inc. and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Announce a Business Partnership

APRIL 27, 2017

VALUENEX Japan, Inc. ("VALUENEX") and Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. ("MUMSS") announce a business partnership to incorporate Big Data analytics in research reports released by MUMSS.

The business partnership will add value to MUMSS’s research reports by providing evidence- based insight through the merging of VALUENEX’s technical trend analysis of Big Data and MUMSS’s corporate/market information and analytical techniques.

Specifically, in MUMSS’s research reports covering M&A and business alliances of listed companies, VALUENEX will provide analyses and insight on the synergies and opportunities as seen from the technology portfolios of the target companies and their relationships.
(See sample analysis below.)

In addition to cooperating on the analyses of company-specific cases, Valuenex and MUMSS will also work together to release long-range market- and industry-specific reports based on  multi-dimensional analyses from both technical and market perspectives.

This partnership will allow VALUENEX to expand its business domain, mainly Intellectual Property Big Data analytics for R&D departments, to the finance sector.

Both companies will continue to work on providing unique services by jointly developing a technology and market-trend data model.

 Additionally, see the Nikkei Press Release.